Streets are truly Alive in Lee’s Summit Lee’s Summit, June 4, 2011 – This year’s Downtown Days in Lee’s Summit is far more successful in the first day than last year. Marilyn Bryan of Magnetic Jewelry and Gemstone Designs has… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, April 6, 2011 – Representative Sheila Solon (MO-55) introduced a bill which requires voter approval of any contract with a single-source provider of trash collection in certain cities, towns and villages. The bill has been read twice and… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, April 4, 2011 – On Tuesday the City of Kansas City comes up for a vote on the Earnings tax. The current Earnings tax accounts for roughly 40% of the budget for the city. This is a major… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, March 16, 2011 – The fact that Government can do something, does not mean they should. It appears to be a repetitive and consistent theme with Government; they tend to do things that are not necessarily best for… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, February 12, 2011 – The voters of Lee’s Summit evaluated the proposed tax levy (from $6.05 per $100 in assessed valuation, up to $6.94 a 14.7% increase) and of the over 15,000 who voted on the special election,… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, October 30, 2010 – The Elections are this coming Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 and you may be wondering where can I get a sample ballot so I can look through it before I get there on Tuesday. For… Continue Reading →
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