LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 18, 2012 – A search of the blogosphere for the race between incumbent Congressman Reverend Emanuel Cleaver II and challenger Jacob Turk: This is their 4th race together so they know each other’s campaign style well. The… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 16, 2012 – I do not find it surprising that 51% of the people polled by Rasmussen between August 8th and 9th expect most reporters to help Obama. What the poll is saying is that people expect… Continue Reading →
BALLWIN, MO AUGUST 13, 2012 – Less than one week after the Missouri Republican Primary, U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner showed his support for Ann Wagner’s campaign for Congress at a private event in St. Louis County. “I… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 13, 2012– On Tuesday of this week (August 14, 2012) Senator Roy Blunt will be in Lee’s Summit with all the candidates we in Missouri elected last Tuesday to represent us in the November 6th Elections. Location… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, August 12, 2012 – Mitt Romney announced today to a crowd gathered in front of the battleship Wisconsin that Congressman Paul Ryan, Chairman of the House Budget Committee is his running mate. My first reaction was one of… Continue Reading →
{To see the Update for the 2014 Primary Results} Click Here LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 8, 2012 – Tonight, with all 413 precincts reporting Jacob Turk (24,743 votes) wins the Primary by a landslide margin in a four way race that… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 7, 2012 – Earlier this morning Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan’s press release from Jefferson City predicted that we’d see about 25%of registered voters turn out for the Primaries (or nearly 1,000,000 votes). This afternoon we’re… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, August 6, 2012 – On this, the eve of the Missouri primary election there are only a few more hours to make up our minds and to go to the local precinct’s voting place (JCEB has all the… Continue Reading →
BREAKING NEWS! Sarah Steelman’s U.S. Senate campaign picked up an additional important endorsement today from state Representative Gary L. Cross (R-48). Cross, whose district includes parts of Kansas City and Lee’s Summit, had previously been supporting candidate John Brunner. “Few… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 2, 2012 – Here’s a list of important links to help you get ready to vote in the primary coming up in just a few days. All the information you can find navigating through the Jackson County… Continue Reading →
Huckabee Says Brad Lager is a “True Conservative” SAVANNAH, MO – Governor Mike Huckabee today announced his support and endorsement for Brad Lager’s campaign for Lieutenant Governor. Governor Huckabee called Lager the “true conservative” in the race, praising his support… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, JULY 17, 2012 – On Friday last, at a historic firehouse in Roanoke Virginia President Obama made the remark “…if you’re successful, you didn’t get there on your own”. I’m sure if you read newspapers, and blogs like… Continue Reading →
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