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Category The Nation

The South Carolina Republican Primary

LEE’S SUMMIT, FEBRUARY 21, 2016 – Donald Trump wins the South Carolina Primary, and Jeb Bush suspends his campaign after coming in a distant fourth. Candidate Percent Votes Donald Trump 32.40%        239,626 Marco Rubio 22.40%          165,805 Ted Cruz… Continue Reading →

The Selection of A President: Look for Their Ability to Handle Crisis

LEE’S SUMMIT, FEBRUARY 21, 2016 – This is the fourth and final part in a four-part series that revisits an article I wrote in 2008, the first week of this blog. I put down my thoughts on how I was… Continue Reading →

The Selection of a President: Look for the Nature of their Fiscal Policy

LEE’S SUMMIT, FEBRUARY 13, 2016 – This is the third in a four-part series that revisits an article I wrote in 2008, the first week of this blog. I put down my thoughts on how I was going to select… Continue Reading →

The Selection of a President: Look for Their Social View of Government

LEE’S SUMMIT, FEBRUARY 12, 2016 – This is the second in a four-part series that revisits an article I wrote in 2008, the first week of this blog. I put down my thoughts on how I was going to select… Continue Reading →

The Selection of a President: Look for Their Fundamental Belief in Government

LEE’S SUMMIT, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 – In 2008, the first week of this blog, I put down my thoughts on how I was going to select the candidate I wanted to be President of the United States (click here). Eight… Continue Reading →

New Hampshire Primary – Arianna all up in a Huff

LEE’S SUMMIT, FEBRUARY 10, 2016 – The Huffington Post heralded the victor of the New Hampshire Primary with the headline “WAY TO GO, N.H.! RACIST, SEXIST DEMAGOGUE WINS FIRST PRIMARY” so let’s see who won. Turnout: 550,000 ballots were cast… Continue Reading →

Primary Election Calendar for 2016

This is a list of all the primaries for the 2016 Presidential Election effort. Date State Delegates (D) Delegates (R) Open/Closed Monday, February 1 Iowa caucus (results) 52 30 Closed Tuesday, February 9 New Hampshire (results) 32 23 Mixed Saturday,… Continue Reading →

Freedom of Speech Takes a Blow

LEE’S SUMMIT, DECEMBER 17, 2014 – MSNBC announced today that Sony pulls ‘The Interview’ from theaters amid security concerns. Unstated is that Freedom of Speech takes a beating. Defending the right to free speech is easy when all it takes… Continue Reading →

Orion Soars into Space and Back

LEE’S SUMMIT, DECEMBER 6, 2014 – “There is your new spacecraft America!” Rob Navias said as the Orion Capsule neared the water only one and a half miles from its designate splashdown point off of Baja California. Those words may… Continue Reading →

Election Night Results for November 4, 2014

Lee’s Summit, November 4, 2014 – These are the results of the races in Missouri, for the most up to date results go to the Secretary of State website by clicking here Office/Candidate Name Party Votes % of Votes State… Continue Reading →

Blessed are the Peacemakers the Citizens of Ferguson Missouri

LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 19, 2014 – Last night we watched an amazing moment in the tumult of Ferguson. The citizens of Ferguson, expressing their right to peacefully gather and seek redress, linked arms and marched gently forward. As they reached… Continue Reading →

Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO5) speaks to Fox4 News in Kansas City

LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 17, 2014 – Ferguson Missouri continues to deal with the aftermath of the August 9th Shooting of Mr. Michael Brown, eighteen years old at the time. Representative Cleaver made several statements to the Fox4KC per their website…. Continue Reading →

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