Where do all these Czars come from and what do they do?
Yet to Be Named – Cyber-Security Czar
Kenneth Feinberg is the Pay Czar,
Nancy-Ann De Parle – Health Reform Czar,
Alan Bersin – Border Czar
Cass Sunstein – Regulatory Czar
Vivek Kundra – Info-Tech Czar
Van Jones – Green Jobs Czar
Alan Bersin – Border Czar
Carol Browner – Energy Czar
Adolfo Carrion, Jr. – Urban Czar
Joshua DuBois – Faith-Based Czar
Herb Allison – TARP Czar
Earl Devaney – Stimulus accountability Czar
Gary Samore – Non-Proliferation Czar
John Brennan – Terrorism Czar
Daniel Fried – Guantanamo Closure Czar
What is the media’s love affair with the term Czar? These people are assigned by the President, have a great deal of power, but are not confirmed by the senate to represent the people of the United States. The entire idea of the Czar has been something I’ve not cared for since the first appointment of the Drug Czar. These are people that do work that fall under one of the cabinet posts that are approved by the Senate. They serve at the pleasure of the President, but know that they have to meet a broader approval.
The founders of our country had a reason for requiring the representatives of each of the States to voice their opinion. It is easy for one person to be wrong, but for the majority of 100 people to be wrong is far more difficult. I may hate it when someone I personally like is not approved, but by God the process works. The Czars (whether appointed by Conservatives or Liberals) are not properly vetted by the Senate and therefore I feel the needs of the people they represent are less than properly represented and protected.
So the real question is, who is watching the Czars that are watching over us?
Respectfully Submitted
The Lee’s Summit Conservative
September 23, 2009 at 3:20 pm
We need a Czar czar…