PLEASANT HILL, MAY 27, 2018 – Since I’m new to Cass County and to Pleasant Hill I have been looking at the results of the local elections.  One in particular caught my eye.  I expected that the Midway R-I School District asking to borrow $3.7 million dollars would get people to vote.  I was wrong.

Regardless of whether you think that this was a good bond or not, 641 people decided for the 2504 who had the right to express an opinion.  The entire question was separated by 125 votes.  It amazes me.  383 people tagged 2,504 with the bill.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, this was a local election, we were all busy, the word did not get out to let us all know to vote, so we did not bother to go.  However, while we did not care, the government did, and they did what they promised; they held the election and the will of 383 people overruled the desires of the 258 in opposition and everyone is left to pay the tab.

If you are for the modernization of the classrooms, you sure took a chance that the 125 people who ended up deciding one way or the other, agreed with you.  If you are against more spending of any kind, then you let 125 people decide against you.

We owe it to ourselves to vote, to express our opinions and to get our friends and relatives in the area to come out and vote.  The most common complaint I hear is, “my vote won’t matter” yet that is so incorrect.  A small group of people, 125 to be exact, made the decision for the rest of us.  The first 258 yes votes did their job.  The set the stalemate.  It was set up for the other 125 to make the decision.  They could have just as easily voted 63 to 62 in either direction, and that vote would have been just as binding on the rest of us.  It literally had the potential to come down to one vote.

In my opinion, every single vote matters.  It is just like in every sport, it takes the entire team to make the star look good.  In voting, it takes all of us expressing our opinion so that in the end, our voice is heard.


  • State Primaries: August 7, 2018
  • General Election: November 6, 2018

Cass County Missouri Election Authority Web Page

I hope each of you, just like me and my family, will stay aware of the issues, and prepare to vote on August 7, and then on November 6th.

Respectfully Submitted
The Lee’s Summit Conservative