Picture of Brad Lager

Brad Lager Candidate for Lieutenant Governor

(Savannah, MO) –Lieutenant Governor candidate Brad Lager filed his campaign finance report on Monday reporting receipts of $330,000 and a cash on hand total of $1,108,000.

“It is very encouraging to receive such great support. I am deeply honored and grateful for this expression of confidence. We know what Missouri needs most – leaders who are focused on job creation and returning economic prosperity to our state. Our current leadership in Jefferson City has failed Missourians, it is time for change,” said Lager.

“Our campaign’s message of creating an environment for economic growth, eliminating excessive government, and restraining spending, is resonating with people all across Missouri,” said Lager. “The voters of Missouri are tired of lifetime politicians who are only interested in advancing their careers versus doing what is right for all Missourians.”

“Showing up matters,” continued Lager. “Meeting with grassroots activists at events all across our state and interacting with Missouri’s hard working citizens makes a difference. I don’t just meet with donors – my most meaningful meetings take place when I listen to voters in their communities and I hear directly from them what concerns they have and what changes they want made to state government.”

Since launching his campaign in Nov. of 2011, Lager has attended numerous events in every corner of the state.

“The voters of Missouri are tired of lifetime politicians who have led our state to 48th in job growth. If you believe that Missouri needs a new course and a new direction for our families and our youngest generation then I ask that you join our campaign for real change.”