Picture of Jacob Turk with Fox 4 News

Jacob Turk on the air with Fox4News as the results come in

{To see the Update for the 2014 Primary Results} Click Here

LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 8, 2012 – Tonight, with all 413 precincts reporting Jacob Turk (24,743 votes)  wins the Primary by a landslide margin in a four way race that pitted him against a very credible conservative candidate in Jerry Nolte (10,730 votes), Jason Greene  (5,061 votes) in his first political race, and Ron Paul Shawd (1,539 votes).  Jacob Turk beat all the other candidates combined by 7,413 votes and received the support of almost 59% of the voters in the 5th district.

The tone of the celebration was jubilation at a hard fought and well deserved victory; but everyone in the room knew exactly that this was just pre-season, the real contest is ahead.  The Turk campaign wasted no time in laying out the challenge ahead only 90 days away from the November 6th Presidential election where incumbent Emanuel Cleaver will test his political mettle against Jacob Turk.

To give you an idea of what is ahead for the Republican Conservative, he has to compete across the new 5th District that has a Democrat population advantage of 63% to 47%.  If Jacob Turk takes one hundred (100%) percent of the Republican vote – he loses the race.  Period: End of sentence.

The festivities were attended by over 100 supporters, and each was challenged to “multiply themselves” by reaching out to friends, and family and help get the word out to every Republican, every independent, and every moderate democrat willing to listen.


Picture of Turk Supporters at Faulkner's Ranch

Turk Victory Party Supporters at Faulkner’s Ranch on Raytown Road

To make clear the challenge, and no one knows it better than Jacob and Donna Turk, it was pointed out that there are 413 precincts that have to be covered simply on election night.  If you don’t want people to man the polling station for 13 hours, you need at least 2 people per precinct, and thus Turk needs a minimum of 826 polling place volunteers to work on November 6.

Further, they have to find the independents, and the moderate democrats and they have to present their case clearly, concisely and most importantly convincingly to bridge the gap established to protect Emanuel Cleaver’s seat in congress.

Picture of Jacob Turk and Howard Allegar

Jacob Turk points to the Map of the 5th District to Howard Allegar and the challenge ahead

The tone for the 2012 campaign is much more professional than in previous races.  The focus is sharper and the need to cover a much larger geographical area simply challenges to the Turk campaign, these are not obstacles.  They are far better prepared this time to take on Cleaver than they were 2 and 4 years ago.  The name is far better recognized throughout the area.  His campaign war chest is larger than both of the last two campaigns combined – yet no one is resting on their Primary victory laurels.

Picture of Campaign Volunteer in front of 5th District Map

The challenge is not only geographical but also the political demographics of the 5th District

Volunteer lists were made available for those who wish to walk door-to-door and hang Turk door handle signs, and for those who are comfortable not just dropping fliers, but also talking to the voters about the issues.  There were lists for people who enjoy contributing to the social media, photography, graphic design, or as simple as people willing to give up garage space to hold strategic amounts of yard-signs so that people can get their Turk for Congress yard signs quickly and painlessly.

They need volunteers to run the phone banks, and to stuff envelopes, or just to simply answer the phone in the office.  All of these are jobs that have to be done, jobs that have to be filled, and jobs that through the next 90 days (2,160 hours) must reach out and find voters who understand why Jacob Turk is needed to represent Missouri’s 5th district.

Picture of Jacob Turk

Jacob Turk laying out the challenge ahead for the campaign and its supporters

Turk spoke candidly tonight to his supporters at Faulkner’s Ranch on Raytown Road on the outskirts of Lee’s Summit.  He told everyone in simple words that the campaign is about leadership and releasing the entrepreneurial spirit in Kansas City, the 5th Congressional District and throughout Missouri.  This is about every person getting a chance to earn a good wage, for a good day’s work.  This is about giving people the opportunity to stand up and be proud of their families, their work, and their personal achievements – none of which are truly available to you if the government continues to require you [through the lack of jobs in the area] to take government aid just to survive.

The difference will be achieved by those who are willing to volunteer their time to the Turk campaign, not just to elect him into office, but to ensure America gets back on the right track.  We are not the land of the poor and the home of the downtrodden; we are the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE!  We, all of us in our way, create opportunity match it with our preparation and perspiration and we make it successful.  We do this because those who came before us laid down the groundwork; we owe it to them, we owe it to ourselves, and we owe it forward to our children to inherit an America that is better than we found it.

If you believe that we can have a better Kansas City, a better 5th District, then volunteer by going to http://www.turkforcongress.com or just click here to go directly to the volunteer page.  If you don’t want to do it over the internet, then call their campaign number (816) 524-6723 and one of the volunteers will take your name, address, phone number and what you’re interested in doing, what issues are important to you, and what day of the week you can help.

The last Republican to serve the 5th congressional district was Albert L. Reeves, Jr. and his term ended on January 3rd, 1949; it is time we had a Conservative voice to represent all of us in congress, and This Is The Year It Happens.

Respectfully Submitted
The Lee’s Summit Conservative