Picture of Obama Romeny and CrowleyLEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 20, 2012 – The Libya controversy may prove to be Obama’s undoing.  Cover-ups since the Nixon era have proven to be devastatingly damaging to all politicians who engage in them and refuse to learn from the lessons learned by Richard Milhous Nixon after Watergate.  President Obama may be the next to learn that lesson.  What did you know and when did you know it?  That is the signal that the media smells a cover up.

In the second Presidential debate we had a lively and contentious debate.  Democrats believe that Obama won the debate on points.  Republicans believe that Romney held his own against a contentious Obama.  The media is full of “Binders full of women” references; as the catch phrase to damage Romney with women.  Even one of my co-workers mentioned the phrase with anger the morning after the debate.  Analysts talk about the 44 minutes President Obama spoke against only 40 minutes by Romney.  The Republicans further comment that Romney was interrupted 28 times to Obama’s 9 times.  All good facts and in my opinion all designed to divert attention from the heaviest moment of the debate – the last five minutes!

In the closing moments of the debate, with the last question on Libya, Obama stated that he had “called it an act of terror” during his speech in the Rose Garden at the White House the very next day (September 12, 2012).  It is a fact he used the word “terror” in the speech, but if you read the transcript – as President Obama instructed debate moderator Crowley to do – you find the comment late in the speech more in a general sense or perhaps more relating to September 11, 2001 than to Libya specifically and the killing of four Americans.

This video is the best I’ve found that goes through the timeline of the story the President sent his people out to portray.  The key points of the story from the Obama White House:

  1. It was part of the riots that swept the region starting in Cairo.
  2. The protest was against a YouTube video that is insulting to Islam.
  3. In Benghazi the riot:
    1. Got out of hand, (first statement)
    2. Was used as cover

You draw your own conclusions as to whether Romney had it right, Candy Crowley had it right, or President Obama had it right.

Respectfully submitted
The Lee’s Summit Conservative