DECEMBER 21, 2012 – As we approach Christmas Day, we are all busy with personal and business tasks. Decorations to put up, presents to buy, and schedules to arrange all make Christmas a time when motion, rather than emotion, takes center stage. Even our legislative lives are hectic, as we physically move Capitol offices, prepare bills, and get ready for next session.
It is good, through all the hustle and bustle, to pause and remember that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. God blessed us with His gift of salvation through his Son, and we celebrate that gift with friends and family.
The events of last week in Newtown, Conn. have made many of us pause – to pray and to seek comfort. For many of us, the names of the 20 children and six teachers and administrators killed resonate as loud as the carols we are used to hearing this time of year. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families in Newtown.
As we pause to think about the things we are thankful for this Christmas season, we need to keep in mind the men and women in our military. Whether stationed close to home or overseas, these heroes are often away from their loved ones. Their children often wake up Christmas morning without mom or dad, opening presents without hearing that special voice or laughter. I remember the most difficult day of my deployment in 2003 was Christmas Day. I ask that you keep the men and women of our military who are deployed in your thoughts and prayers.
Carmen and I wish you and your family a very blessed, wonderful, and merry Christmas.
Please feel free to contact the 8th Senatorial District’s Capitol office with any questions or concerns at any time. We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions and trying to answer any questions you may have. You can reach us by phone at 573-751-1464, or e-mail at