LEE’S SUMMIT, NOVEMBER 1, 2012 – A comparison was put together by NAM (National Association of Manufacturers) earlier in the campaign between Emanuel Cleaver and Jacob Turk.  It is no surprise that Emanuel Cleaver would not want to put his answers to the key issues to Manufacturing in writing:  So the only one to be evaluated was Jacob Turk.

Make the current lower tax rates permanent for all individual taxpayers.

  • Jacob Turk: yes
  • Emanuel Cleaver: did not respond

Repeal the federal estate tax or leave it at the current level.

  • Jacob Turk: yes
  • Emanuel Cleaver: did not respond

Reduce the corporate tax rate to 25 percent or lower.

  • Jacob Turk: yes
  • Emanuel Cleaver: did not respond

Require federal agencies to consider the direct impact of new federal regulations on small businesses.

  • Jacob Turk: yes
  • Emanuel Cleaver: did not respond

Support legislation to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada to Texas.

  • Jacob Turk: yes
  • Emanuel Cleaver: did not respond

Support states regulating hydraulic fracturing, not the federal government.

  • Jacob Turk: yes
  • Emanuel Cleaver: did not respond

Support off-shore energy production.

  • Jacob Turk: yes
  • Emanuel Cleaver: did not respond

Repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

  • Jacob Turk: yes
  • Emanuel Cleaver: did not respond

Support free trade agreements to eliminate tariffs on U.S. exports.

  • Jacob Turk: yes
  • Emanuel Cleaver: did not respond

Oppose laws that restrict or prevent employees from having all the facts on union representation.

  • Jacob Turk: yes
  • Emanuel Cleaver: did not respond

Restore mandatory penalties for filing frivolous lawsuits.

  • Jacob Turk: yes
  • Emanuel Cleaver: did not respond

Kansas City, like the State of Missouri and the rest of the country needs to have more and higher paying jobs.  The service sector provides jobs, but the higher wages are found in the Manufacturing sector, and area that Governor Jay Nixon has not excelled in, and something that Emanuel Cleaver had not done any better.  If you look at the successes in gaining new jobs in the area, you have to look to local and state assemblies with little help from our Federal Representatives.

Kansas City and Missouri’s 5th congressional district needs jobs and we need manufacturing to grow in our area bringing the higher wages.

How is that done?

You create an environment where uncertainty is kept to minimum, regulations only in the areas most needed and away from everywhere else, stop penalizing those who inherit a family owned business, leave money to capitalize and  invest in the business (reduce corporate taxes and estate taxes), in short promote and encourage entrepreneurial growth.

Vote on November 6th for the candidates of your choice by knowing what they stand for.

Respectfully Submitted,

The Lee’s Summit Conservative