Not as Republicans or Democrats but as a country? Two things struck me on election night relatively early on. The loss of Scott Brown to Elizabeth Warren and the loss of Wisconsin, the home state of Paul Ryan. How does one… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, NOVEMBER 5, 2012 – The League of American Voters (LAV) has a Voter’s Guide worth taking the time to glance through before you vote. The main focus is on the Congressman and their Voting record on critical and… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, NOVEMBER 5, 2012 – ABC / Washington Post, Gallup, CNN, PEW all show a very tight race going into tomorrow’s election – the final and only poll that counts. Florida, Michigan – yes Michigan – and Virginia all… Continue Reading →
We have put together a set of links to take you to each campaign’s website so you can quickly research the main candidates in the Missouri ballot for this area including: Obama, Romney, Johnson, Gray and Goode for president. This… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, NOVEMBER 1, 2012 – A comparison was put together by NAM (National Association of Manufacturers) earlier in the campaign between Emanuel Cleaver and Jacob Turk. It is no surprise that Emanuel Cleaver would not want to put his… Continue Reading →
From Missouri State Senator Will Kraus, October 29, 2012: In addition to your vote for president, governor, and other statewide and local races this Nov. 6, you will be asked to vote on four statewide ballot measures. Two (Constitutional Amendment… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 27, 2012 – In 10 days we will be voting for the candidates that best fit our own ideology – what we each think is best for the country, for our state, our district and our community. … Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 26, 2012 – In the 70’s and 80’s there was a great television show called Happy Days where the Fonz (Arthur Fonzerely) jumped a shark tank (more like an above ground pool) on his motorcycle – for… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 25, 2012 – The lead Editorial in today’s Detroit News endorses Mitt Romney for President of the United States citing: A credible plan, less partisan politics due to not being bound by a rigid ideology, a focus… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 24, 2012 – Comedian Jimmy Kimmel posed the following hypothesis: People pre-determine who the winner of a debate is then find affirmation during the debate. To prove his point he did two sets of interviews: First: Hours… Continue Reading →
{Editor’s Note: I’d like to welcome Evelyn Robinson to our group of Guest Authors. She brings a different perspective to the blog. Her writing skills and research skills are very good and she will be dropping in from time to… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 24, 2012 – The battle over the remaining key states is getting tighter and most of the Battleground states are moving in Romney’s direction. CNN reported yesterday evening that rumors indicated that the Obama campaign was removing… Continue Reading →
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