LEE’S SUMMIT, SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 – It was eleven years ago this morning that the world changed for all of us. In the early days we all united behind the grief we felt for all those who died that day.
As I drove to work this morning I remembered walking in to work that morning and watching the television in hushed tones as the towers crumbled.
Today I kept that moment of silence when the planes struck, when the towers collapsed, when the heroes of Flight 93 ended the attacks in a field in Pennsylvania.
I thought of the children who expected to see their mother’s and fathers’ – silence.
I thought of the mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters who wanted to see their loved ones again – silence.
I thought of the husbands and wives who died that September morning – silence.
I thought of their spouses who yearn to see them again and would have gladly traded places – silence.
I thought of the Firefighters and Police who ran into danger to save just one more life – silence.
I thought of the eleven years since that day and the hopes and dreams and lives that could have been – silence.
I thought of the deafening silence and heard their voices yelling: we are in your hearts, we are in your minds, we are in all the wonderful things you do to and for each other – in all those deeds we live on: Silence, tears and remembrance.
God Bless the families, friends, and loved ones of those who were lost that day.
God Bless you.