These are the votes I’m most interested in, and how Roy Blunt Voted.  Actions speak louder than the campaign speeches.

Health Care – Voted no
TARP Recipients Bonuses Tax – Voted Yes
Stimulus Package – Voted No
TARP Bailout – Voted Yes

Roy Blunt has a mixed bag of voting practices.  In reviewing the votes by category ( one seems to get the impression that he has fiscal conservative roots.  Votes in the Budget, Spending and Taxes category he seems to vote to protect the districts wallet.

He’s voted to block the congressional Cost of Living Pay increase, against the Employment, Infrastructure and Transportation Appropriation tax credit (commonly known as the Senate Jobs Bill),  Increasing the National Public Debt Limit, the Omnibus Appropriations, Estate Tax Law amendments and Reinstatement of PAYGO, Continuing Appropriations Extension.  These all seem to be conservative issues and may lead one to believe that this is a proven fiscal conservative vote in the house.

It truly puzzles me then as to why Representative Blunt would chose to vote yes on TARP.  His off the cuff remarks on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on February 19, 2009 make no sense to me.  “…He said it’s his argument that the TARP money is likely to come back to taxpayers at some point.” Is he truly that out of touch?

Giving the nature of the Wall Street Bailout, to cover for the problems caused at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and how they brought forth the unsustainable housing bubble is not going to make it’s way back to taxpayers.  That was good money thrown after bad money and Representative Blunt gives me great concern for the 2010 midterm elections.

Current polls by Rasmussen ( likely voters in Missouri show Roy Blunt at 50% and Robin Carnahan at 42%.  There is a long way to go till November 2nd and much can happen between now and then.  What I wonder is: How will Blunt vote?

The same poll shows that Missourians are strongly in favor or repeal of the New National Health Care plan, 62% of Missouri favors repeal.  The more people are finding out about the bill and its impact on business, the more people want it out.

I’ll keep monitoring Roy Blunt for any signs to assure me that he’ll vote conservative; but at this point I still want a clear (not off the cuff) answer as to why he voted to open the coffers and hand out TARP money.  It goes against all principles of smaller government and fiscal conservatism that I’m looking for in a representative; especially in this over spending reality we live in.

Missouri, vote wisely in November and ask serious and powerful questions of both our elected officials and those who seek our votes.  Vote to put strong conservatives in Washington.  We’re broke, we can’t afford not to.

Respectfully Submitted
The Lee’s Summit Conservative