This is for those interested in fiscally conservative views, not partisan bickering...

Tag Automakers

Einstein said, “Continue to do the same and expect a different result; that’s the definition of insanity.”

In this blog I’ve cited why I thought at the time that the bail out idea for the Automotive industry was a bad Idea. I also spent countless hours focused on the original bailout plan pointing out to Congressman Emanuel… Continue Reading →

A Tale of Two Stories (Human and Political)

Tuesday, January 20 2009 is a date that will be remembered as a truly historical date in the United States and by reference the rest of the world. Barack Husain Obama received the oath of office for President of the… Continue Reading →

UAW Bailout, Automotive Bailout a bad idea that won’t work

The Bailout for the banks was wrong. The bailout for the Automotive Industry was wrong. And suing the TARP (Bailout for the banks) to bailout the Automotive Industry is wrong not times two, but to the power of two (like… Continue Reading →

Why I still say NO to the Automaker’s Bailout?

It seems like a very simple question, doesn’t it? Well, I’ve been wrestiling with the best way for me to explain why I feel the US Automakers are: First, taking a bad rap for the value perception of their cars,… Continue Reading →

No, for the Automotive Industry Bailout

The G20 came and went without any solutions worth discussing, just like back in 1933. Perhaps that’s not a bad thing at all. Now we have to deal with yet another political push for doing the right thing; Bail Out… Continue Reading →

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