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Tag Claire McCaskill

Todd Akin To Have Prayer Vigil To Decide His Political Immediate Future

LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 20, 2012 – According to Human Events, a conservative voice on the blogosphere, Todd Akin will be holding a prayer vigil tonight to decide his future.  This after an unforced error on one of the most common… Continue Reading →

Where’s Claire McCaskill on Obama’s Proposed Tax Hikes?

Rolla, MO – The Bush tax cuts are set to expire at the end of this year and a failure to extend them will result in a massive tax increase. President Obama has proposed extending the tax cuts only for… Continue Reading →

UN Arms Trade Treaty: Nullifies the 2nd Amendment

LEE’S SUMMIT, July 9, 2012 –  In the front page of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)  you will find the following statement: “From 2-27 July, all countries of the world will come together in New York to negotiate… Continue Reading →

We The People Need to Send a Clear Message with our Votes

April 30, 2010 – Shanghai China – The time to sit idly by is truly over.  We The People of these United States need to let our government know; peacefully, honorably, and respectfully that we do not wish to have… Continue Reading →

The 2010 Election Cycle is Upon Us: Time to Think!

Today I was working around the house and I was reminded that the 2010 Election cycle is upon us.  I had the pleasure of chatting with Will Kraus running for State Senate for the 8th Senate District of Missouri.  A… Continue Reading →

Lay-Away is back! Health Care Lay-Away – Government Style

I’ve been listening over the last few weeks as the debate over the healthcare bill continues to rage. I’ve tried to sit back and look at it from a different point of view. I even spoke at length to a… Continue Reading →

Single Payer Socialized Government Health Care – Just Say No Thank You

All over Kansas City, the heartland of America the people I talk to about the health care issue keep the same opinion they’ve had throughout the debate: Just Say No.  Chief fears (and I’m not talking about our Football team… Continue Reading →

Open Letter to MO Senator McCaskil and Bond

Dear Senator McCaskill, and Senator Bond; I just returned from a 12 day business trip to China, one that I found fascinating because of the legislative debate on the Health Care issue in America. I had the pleasure of meeting… Continue Reading →

Opinion on an Open Letter to President Obama

A friend of mine sent me the following letter and I immediately considered it a hoax perpetrated by the “vast right wing conspiracy” of the Clinton years. I read it carefully shaking my head in the affirmative in various spots… Continue Reading →

Einstein said, “Continue to do the same and expect a different result; that’s the definition of insanity.”

In this blog I’ve cited why I thought at the time that the bail out idea for the Automotive industry was a bad Idea. I also spent countless hours focused on the original bailout plan pointing out to Congressman Emanuel… Continue Reading →

Ah the good old days

It was a time for hope, it was a time for joy, it was a time for rejuvenation, and it was a time for community building. The problem is that on January 20, 2009 we put into office all the… Continue Reading →

Open Letter to Cleaver, McCaskill, Bond

Dear Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO)Dear Senator Clair McCaskill (D-MO)Dear Senator Kit Bond (R-MO) Re: Emergency Economic Stabilization Act and TARP Esteemed Legislators; During the weeks leading up to the EESA and TARP bills the population of Missouri made their wishes… Continue Reading →

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