Jefferson City, February 28, 2012 – After months of building one of the most effective and recognized congressional campaigns in America, St. Louisan Ann Wagner officially filed to run for United State Congress in Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District. “Today is the next step… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, November 19, 2011 – Let me get this straight, Martha Stewart goes to jail for insider trading, the President, Senators, and Congressman all berate Wall Street, yet they have the right to use their knowledge of upcoming legislation… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, September 9, 2011 – The President of the United States spoke for 34 minutes last night in front of a Joint Session of Congress, outlining his long awaited jobs plan. The Whitehouse put out a bullet point of… Continue Reading →
Philadelphia, June 30, 2011– Today my day started in Lee’s Summit at 3:15AM headed for a 6:15 flight out of MCI through Detroit to Philadelphia. The reason for the trip was strictly business; but I was surprised about what I… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, March 30, 2011 – This year we may finally be getting the attention of Congress and start the country on the right path. In November American’s voted overwhelmingly for expense reduction by Washington. Dozens upon dozens of new… Continue Reading →
Who will you vote for? Lee’s Summit, October 28, 2010 – On the heels of the Nevada’s “Food for Votes” claim in the Las Vegas Sun (October 26, 2010) we find that it’s not just in Nevada that someone is… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, October 19, 2010 – The Turk campaign shows that even in a heavily democratic district like this, the voice of reason still holds the winning hand. Since 2008 I’ve been focused on the 5th Congressional District because I… Continue Reading →
Jacob Turk, Candidate for MO’s 5th Congressional District discusses issues with Michael and Robin Renaeu of Grandview. Lee’s Summit, September 30, 2010 – In this part of the interview we talked about the economy and what his priorities would be… Continue Reading →
Jacob Turk at Panera on Chipman discussing 5th District Issues with Jerry Johnson while Dave Murray listens. Lee’s Summit, September 30, 2010 – Great words I found in a most unusual place: We Believe… Representatives must… Listen to all, Lead… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, July 28, 2010 – The primaries are upon us. Candidates all over Missouri have been doing their best to get their message across. Some use radio advertising. Others use television spots. Most simply go door to door and… Continue Reading →
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