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Tag Democrats

Obama’s Economic Grade: F

The reason Obama is under such scrutiny by American’s is that he increased the National Debt by Three times he’s nearest Debt Culprit, and has shown that he’s not laser focused on the economy as he continues to claim.

The 2011 Budget: Government Shutdown Looms

Lee’s Summit, April 5, 2011– OK, will you explain something to me please?  Was the 2011 budget not the responsibility of Reid and Pelosi last year at this time?  Why are we still talking about it?  Oh, yeah: Because they… Continue Reading →

Will the government shut down on April 9: If so, then what?

Lee’s Summit, March 30, 2011 – This year we may finally be getting the attention of Congress and start the country on the right path.  In November American’s voted overwhelmingly for expense reduction by Washington.  Dozens upon dozens of new… Continue Reading →

Democrats stampede out of Washington

Democrats Stampede out of Washington Lee’s Summit, October 4, 2010 – Last week, with critical business still to be done, the democrats headed home to campaign without extending the current tax rates.  This is not leadership but rather complete arrogance… Continue Reading →

Benevolent subjugation or Freedom: It is your choice.

Lee’s Summit, July 28, 2010 – The primaries are upon us.  Candidates all over Missouri have been doing their best to get their message across.  Some use radio advertising.  Others use television spots.  Most simply go door to door and… Continue Reading →

The Taxman Cometh and Congress is Not Representing us. Sound familiar?

Lee’s Summit, July 2, 2010 – The end of the Bush tax cuts is coming and taxes are about to go through the roof sucking the wind out of the sails of any rebound we’re getting from the recession. Business… Continue Reading →

Financial Reform: A Power Grab, yes, a Fix – no way!

Lee’s Summit, June 30, 2010 – I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on, on the content of the Financial Reform act that just passed the test vote today.  I spent my time looking for what regulations and… Continue Reading →

Rep. Will Kraus Files Protest Against Cap and Trade Schemes

Lee’s Summit –During the Special Session of the General Assembly, Representative Will Kraus has filed a resolution, HCR1, against the job-killing cap and trade legislation being discussed in Washington, D.C. A mandatory cap and trade emissions trading system would set… Continue Reading →

We The People Need to Send a Clear Message with our Votes

April 30, 2010 – Shanghai China – The time to sit idly by is truly over.  We The People of these United States need to let our government know; peacefully, honorably, and respectfully that we do not wish to have… Continue Reading →

Why One American is Angry…

As all know I came to the US in 1970 and worked hard to learn the language and the culture of this great country.  The focus was on learning all I could, studying and some day picking up the yoke… Continue Reading →

Single Payer Socialized Government Health Care – Just Say No Thank You

All over Kansas City, the heartland of America the people I talk to about the health care issue keep the same opinion they’ve had throughout the debate: Just Say No.  Chief fears (and I’m not talking about our Football team… Continue Reading →

Czars in America: Why and who do they answer to?

Where do all these Czars come from and what do they do? Gil Kerlikowske – Drug CzarYet to Be Named – Cyber-Security CzarKenneth Feinberg is the Pay Czar,Nancy-Ann De Parle – Health Reform Czar,Alan Bersin – Border CzarCass Sunstein –… Continue Reading →

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