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Tag Election

Still Time to Vote

Lee’s Summit, November 4, 2014 – You still have time to vote. To stay home and not vote is to let others define the world in which you live in. To not vote today is to acquiesce to the desires… Continue Reading →

Race for US House of Representatives for Missouri 5th District Cleaver and Turk Again

LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 5, 2014 – In 91 days voters will head to the polls again and have to answer the question, Cleaver or Turk to represent them in the 5th Congressional district. Some believe that Jacob Turk is Emanuel… Continue Reading →

Missouri’s 5th U.S. Congressional District – The Race To Watch

LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 18, 2012 – A search of the blogosphere for the race between incumbent Congressman Reverend Emanuel Cleaver II and challenger Jacob Turk: This is their 4th race together so they know each other’s campaign style well. The… Continue Reading →

Jackson County Caucus

On Saturday, March 24, Jackson County will hold a caucus to select delegates for the congressional and state Republican Party conventions. Since this process is new to Missouri, I have had several requests to explain the process and give voters… Continue Reading →

Missouri’s Presidential Vote

February 2, 2012 – Missouri will have two chances this year to affect the presidential race, but, up until now, the controversy surrounding how we got to this point has overshadowed the race itself. Keep in mind that state races… Continue Reading →

Electability of GOP Candidates

LEE’S SUMMIT,  November 16, 2011 – The most common comment I hear from a friend of mine (CFO at the company I work for) is that “…they [whomever I’m speaking about] are not electable…” and today I read a great… Continue Reading →

Representing Constituents Not Washington – Part 2

Jacob Turk, Candidate for MO’s 5th Congressional District discusses issues with Michael and Robin Renaeu of Grandview. Lee’s Summit, September 30, 2010 – In this part of the interview we talked about the economy and what his priorities would be… Continue Reading →

Representing Constituents Not Washington – Part 1

Jacob Turk at Panera on Chipman discussing 5th District Issues with Jerry Johnson while Dave Murray listens. Lee’s Summit, September 30, 2010 – Great words I found in a most unusual place: We Believe… Representatives must… Listen to all, Lead… Continue Reading →

Conservatives Please Pay Attention and Learn from Obama

It has been an interesting first week since the election of Senator Barrack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. The Electoral College map shows 365 votes for Obama/Biden and 162 for McCain/Pailin with Missouri not fully resolved… Continue Reading →

November 4th 2008: A day to remember, the election of 2008

It seems to me, at 9:00 PM Central Time that without a major miracle we will have Barrack Obama as the new President Elect of the United States of American and that Joe Biden will be our new Vice President… Continue Reading →

The 11th hour; this is when it counts. Vote!

First let me start by saying that tomorrow morning, whether you are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Independent, the one responsibility you have is to go out and vote. If you don’t know where to vote, go to and follow… Continue Reading →

Jacob Turk, Candidate Congress Missouri’s 5th District

I had the pleasure of a candidate for Congress visiting my Blog and leaving a message of support and gratitude. Mr. Turk, you have it all wrong, it is my family and I who are grateful to you for running… Continue Reading →

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