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Tag Emanuel Cleaver

Cleaver Speaks on Area Housing

PLEASANT HILL, OCTOBER 20, 2018 – In Blue Springs newspaper The Examiner, candidate Cleaver expressed, “concerns about the increasing cost of living in the district. He called a lack of affordable housing ‘a major crisis,’ contending that the minimum price… Continue Reading →

Race for US House of Representatives for Missouri 5th District Cleaver and Turk Again

LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 5, 2014 – In 91 days voters will head to the polls again and have to answer the question, Cleaver or Turk to represent them in the 5th Congressional district. Some believe that Jacob Turk is Emanuel… Continue Reading →

Get To Know Your Congressman before You Vote

LEE’S SUMMIT, NOVEMBER 5, 2012 – The League of American Voters (LAV) has a Voter’s Guide worth taking the time to glance through before you vote.  The main focus is on the Congressman and their Voting record on critical and… Continue Reading →

National Association of Manufacturers Evaluates Turk and Cleaver

LEE’S SUMMIT, NOVEMBER 1, 2012 – A comparison was put together by NAM (National Association of Manufacturers) earlier in the campaign between Emanuel Cleaver and Jacob Turk.  It is no surprise that Emanuel Cleaver would not want to put his… Continue Reading →

The 18-Day Representative: Emanuel Cleaver

LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 27, 2012 – In 10 days we will be voting for the candidates that best fit our own ideology – what we each think is best for the country, for our state, our district and our community. … Continue Reading →

Cleaver: Good for Obama; Bad for Kansas City

LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 16, 2012 – Earns & Young has just completed a new survey and study that shows how Obama’s proposed tax hikes on small businesses will destroy more than 700,000 jobs.  According to The Hill, the survey conducted… Continue Reading →

Cleaver to attend KC MO’s Rally for Homeownership

LEE’S SUMMIT, SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 – The focus of the Rally, according to their website, is that Homeownership provides stability, peace of mind, and long term security.  It strengthens the economy and local businesses, creates jobs and provides much-needed tax… Continue Reading →

Emanuel Cleaver: Empty Chair at Key Business Forums

Lee’s Summit, September 20, 2011 – On Tuesday there was empty chair at the table.  The name plate “Cleaver”.  The occasion, the Clay County Economic Development Board’s Business Forum, where Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO) was invited to discuss his Economic… Continue Reading →

Shocking Statement by CBC Chairman Emanuel Cleaver

LEE’S SUMMIT, SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 – Congressional Black Caucus Leader and Missouri’s 5th Congressional District Representative Emanuel Cleaver said about African-Americans who refuse to vote “They are not worth the color if they don’t vote.  They ought to give us… Continue Reading →

Cleaver Speech at DNC; A Tale of Two Cleavers

LEE’S SUMMIT, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012 – Congressman Emanuel Cleaver II gave a fiery speech at the Democratic National Convention on September 5th at one point having what seemed like the entire convention marching in place to the beat of his… Continue Reading →

Cleaver Pushing For High Inflation

LEE’S SUMMIT, SEPTEMBER 3, 2012  –  Congressman Emanuel Cleaver cosponsors H.R. 6211, the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2012 which proposes increasing the minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.80 per hour.  This is an increase of thirty five percent (35%)… Continue Reading →

Missouri’s 5th U.S. Congressional District – The Race To Watch

LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 18, 2012 – A search of the blogosphere for the race between incumbent Congressman Reverend Emanuel Cleaver II and challenger Jacob Turk: This is their 4th race together so they know each other’s campaign style well. The… Continue Reading →

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