Lee’s Summit, June 29, 2010 – Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO 5th), continues to vote for spending of taxpayer’s money. Our Representative has continuously voted “yes” for H.R. 4213 the so called “American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010” that… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, June 6, 2010 – This past weekend our wonderful city put on a great get together; called Lee’s Summit’s Downtown Days. The weather was great, the crowds were wonderful and business was booming. As I walked down 3rd… Continue Reading →
Don’t faint; Bill Clinton had it right: “It’s the economy, stupid!” What is the Federal Government here for? I keep asking myself that question so that I can decide on how I wish to vote. I’ve boiled it down to… Continue Reading →
April 30, 2010 – Shanghai China – The time to sit idly by is truly over. We The People of these United States need to let our government know; peacefully, honorably, and respectfully that we do not wish to have… Continue Reading →
Missouri’s 5th Congressional District Representative Emanuel Cleaver posts the area’s earmarks. The good news, he’s sticking to the transparency commitment and a giving heart. The bad news, the country has a twelve trillion dollar debt and we’re hading out money…. Continue Reading →
Representative Will Kraus votes to tell the Federal Government that while we appreciate their efforts, we truly don’t think that the Federal Government listened to the vast majority of Americans when it passed the Health Care bill earlier this week…. Continue Reading →
Following my own advice I decided to write yet another letter to Missouri’s 5th District Democrat Representative Emanuel Cleaver II. I would hope that someone out there will remind Mr Cleaver that we put him in office (regardless of how… Continue Reading →
Today I was working around the house and I was reminded that the 2010 Election cycle is upon us. I had the pleasure of chatting with Will Kraus running for State Senate for the 8th Senate District of Missouri. A… Continue Reading →
I’ve been listening over the last few weeks as the debate over the healthcare bill continues to rage. I’ve tried to sit back and look at it from a different point of view. I even spoke at length to a… Continue Reading →
In response to the earlier letter I posted to Representative Emanuel Cleaver (Vote No On Health Care) Here is the response. I challenge you to read the original Blog and then compare it to the response. I think what you’ll… Continue Reading →
Dear Representative Cleaver, Missouri is a great state, Kansas City is a great city, and Lees Summit is a very progressive well planned and hard working community. I have lived here for the last 12 years and I cannot imagine… Continue Reading →
In this blog I’ve cited why I thought at the time that the bail out idea for the Automotive industry was a bad Idea. I also spent countless hours focused on the original bailout plan pointing out to Congressman Emanuel… Continue Reading →
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