This is for those interested in fiscally conservative views, not partisan bickering...

Tag Freddie Mac

If at first you don’t succeed…

LEE’S SUMMIT, October 24, 2011 – The old saying is, if you at first you don’t succeed, try and try again:  Understood within that saying is that you learn from your failure and then try something new.  Yet the more… Continue Reading →

Financial Reform: A Power Grab, yes, a Fix – no way!

Lee’s Summit, June 30, 2010 – I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on, on the content of the Financial Reform act that just passed the test vote today.  I spent my time looking for what regulations and… Continue Reading →

Einstein said, “Continue to do the same and expect a different result; that’s the definition of insanity.”

In this blog I’ve cited why I thought at the time that the bail out idea for the Automotive industry was a bad Idea. I also spent countless hours focused on the original bailout plan pointing out to Congressman Emanuel… Continue Reading →

The Real Issues of This Election

As I look at this election, it tends to boil down to a few critical questions and I’m not finding clear answers on any or all of them. The election is only a few days away and we should focus,… Continue Reading →

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