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Tag GM

Without Truth, Blogs Fail

Just having a conversation with a good friend and read about the April’s Mom story. Additionally, I received a forward from my family about the Pelosi plane e-mail going around claiming that she purchased a 200 seat plane to take… Continue Reading →

The Automotive Bailout: the good, the bad and the ugly.

Let us start this opinion piece from the bottom up. The Ugly:The House of Representatives and the Senate are getting involved in the bailout and most involved are spending more time figuring out how to get the votes, how to… Continue Reading →

The Five Elements Of The Perfect Storm Are Not New for GM nor the Automotive Industry.

This is my response to Popular Mechanics story: GM in Crisis – 5 Reasons Why America’s Largest Car Company Teeters on the Edge 1) Demand Shifts and Uncertain Energy Policy. Demand always shifts, this time is energy, in the 60’s… Continue Reading →

Why I still say NO to the Automaker’s Bailout?

It seems like a very simple question, doesn’t it? Well, I’ve been wrestiling with the best way for me to explain why I feel the US Automakers are: First, taking a bad rap for the value perception of their cars,… Continue Reading →

No, for the Automotive Industry Bailout

The G20 came and went without any solutions worth discussing, just like back in 1933. Perhaps that’s not a bad thing at all. Now we have to deal with yet another political push for doing the right thing; Bail Out… Continue Reading →

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