This is for those interested in fiscally conservative views, not partisan bickering...


Todd Akin To Have Prayer Vigil To Decide His Political Immediate Future

LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 20, 2012 – According to Human Events, a conservative voice on the blogosphere, Todd Akin will be holding a prayer vigil tonight to decide his future.  This after an unforced error on one of the most common… Continue Reading →

Tuesday, Meet Missouri’s Statewide GOP Candidates in Lee’s Summit

LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 13, 2012– On Tuesday of this week (August 14, 2012) Senator Roy Blunt will be in Lee’s Summit with all the candidates we in Missouri elected last Tuesday  to represent us in the November 6th Elections. Location… Continue Reading →

So That’s What A Caucus Is – No Thanks!

LEE’S SUMMIT, MARCH 27, 2012 – Last Saturday I spent 6 hours at the GOP Caucus in Lee’s Summit and to be honest I was disappointed at the entire event.  I’ve not blogged about it because I wanted to have… Continue Reading →

Gingrich Wins South Carolina

Lee’s Summit, January 22, 2012 – Yesterday Newt Gingrich scored his first victory of the primary season with an impressive 40.4% to Mitt Romney’s 27.8%, with Santorum taking 3rd place, and Ron Paul bringing up the rear. Pollsters had Gingrich… Continue Reading →

Primary Season Starts January 3rd in Iowa.

Lee’s Summit, December 27, 2011 – After 8 months of Republican Debates and a number of casualties between then and now the GOP Candidates are making their final push for Iowa.  According to the latest analysis by Real Clear Politics… Continue Reading →

Electability of GOP Candidates

LEE’S SUMMIT,  November 16, 2011 – The most common comment I hear from a friend of mine (CFO at the company I work for) is that “…they [whomever I’m speaking about] are not electable…” and today I read a great… Continue Reading →

Zogby Poll Shows Cain Still in the Lead

LEE’S SUMMIT, October 30, 2011 – Herman Cain’s and his 9-9-9 plan are reshaping the conversation in the GOP battle for the Party’s nomination.  The no-nonsense approach of Herman Cain still outweighs his political inexperience and those likely to vote… Continue Reading →

Zogby Poll Shows Cain Beats Obama and Leads GOP

LEE’S SUMMIT, October 7, 2011 – The latest tracking Zogby poll shows Cain taking the lead among GOP candidates by 20 percentage points over nearest competitor Mitt Romney – who once again falls to 2nd place.  On a flat line… Continue Reading →

The Give Me Liberty Rally in Lee’s Summit

Lee’s Summit, July 7, 2010 – Today there was a gathering of conservatives in Lee’s Summit: Some 750 to 1,000 people showed up.  They came from Clay and Cass counties as well as from the city itself.  The gathering flowed… Continue Reading →

Financial Reform: A Power Grab, yes, a Fix – no way!

Lee’s Summit, June 30, 2010 – I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on, on the content of the Financial Reform act that just passed the test vote today.  I spent my time looking for what regulations and… Continue Reading →

Rep. Will Kraus Files Protest Against Cap and Trade Schemes

Lee’s Summit –During the Special Session of the General Assembly, Representative Will Kraus has filed a resolution, HCR1, against the job-killing cap and trade legislation being discussed in Washington, D.C. A mandatory cap and trade emissions trading system would set… Continue Reading →

Pressure, Stress, Jobless Recovery and the Missouri Manufacturing Jobs Act

Lee’s Summit, June 20, 2010 – This morning after ten days away from home I started to catch up by reading the Sunday paper.  A week in Florida has me very aware of the plight of the stresses felt by… Continue Reading →

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