April 30, 2010 – Shanghai China – The time to sit idly by is truly over. We The People of these United States need to let our government know; peacefully, honorably, and respectfully that we do not wish to have… Continue Reading →
New report shows Cap-and-Trade is really a 3.6 Trillion Dollar Gas Tax.Among all the urgency, hype and congressional ramrodding around Health Care the waste of money and political goodwill on fact-less, science-less (consensus is NOT the scientific approach that guided… Continue Reading →
Dear Senator McCaskill, and Senator Bond; I just returned from a 12 day business trip to China, one that I found fascinating because of the legislative debate on the Health Care issue in America. I had the pleasure of meeting… Continue Reading →
It was a time for hope, it was a time for joy, it was a time for rejuvenation, and it was a time for community building. The problem is that on January 20, 2009 we put into office all the… Continue Reading →
I travel occasionally for business, but when I do it is typically long distance and rather complicated. Take this trip for instance. I’m traveling from Kansas City to Chicago and catching a flight from Chicago to Shanghai China. Then I’m… Continue Reading →
Dear Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO)Dear Senator Clair McCaskill (D-MO)Dear Senator Kit Bond (R-MO) Re: Emergency Economic Stabilization Act and TARP Esteemed Legislators; During the weeks leading up to the EESA and TARP bills the population of Missouri made their wishes… Continue Reading →
As I have done with the letters from Kit Bond, and Claire McCaskill I’m going to post the response from Representative Emanuel Cleaver, II regarding the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. The first part of this BLOG will be… Continue Reading →
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