LEE’S SUMMIT, NOVEMBER 5, 2012 – ABC / Washington Post, Gallup, CNN, PEW all show a very tight race going into tomorrow’s election – the final and only poll that counts. Florida, Michigan – yes Michigan – and Virginia all… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, NOVEMBER 1, 2012 – A comparison was put together by NAM (National Association of Manufacturers) earlier in the campaign between Emanuel Cleaver and Jacob Turk. It is no surprise that Emanuel Cleaver would not want to put his… Continue Reading →
From Missouri State Senator Will Kraus, October 29, 2012: In addition to your vote for president, governor, and other statewide and local races this Nov. 6, you will be asked to vote on four statewide ballot measures. Two (Constitutional Amendment… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 27, 2012 – In 10 days we will be voting for the candidates that best fit our own ideology – what we each think is best for the country, for our state, our district and our community. … Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 26, 2012 – In the 70’s and 80’s there was a great television show called Happy Days where the Fonz (Arthur Fonzerely) jumped a shark tank (more like an above ground pool) on his motorcycle – for… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 25, 2012 – The lead Editorial in today’s Detroit News endorses Mitt Romney for President of the United States citing: A credible plan, less partisan politics due to not being bound by a rigid ideology, a focus… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 24, 2012 – The battle over the remaining key states is getting tighter and most of the Battleground states are moving in Romney’s direction. CNN reported yesterday evening that rumors indicated that the Obama campaign was removing… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 16, 2012 – Earns & Young has just completed a new survey and study that shows how Obama’s proposed tax hikes on small businesses will destroy more than 700,000 jobs. According to The Hill, the survey conducted… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 – The Economic news today continues the downward trend. GDP growth for the second quarter of 2012 has been revised down to 1.3% from the already sluggish 1.7% reported earlier. To put it into perspective… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, Septermber 26, 2012 – The latest Quinnipiac University/New York Times poll shows that Romney is behind President Obama in Ohio by 10 points, and was ahead by similar margins in Florida and Massachusetts according to Reuters. Jan Crawford… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 – It is an interesting article in CNN Opinion today (click here for the full article) written by David Frum, a contributing editor for News Week, and The Daily Beast. Frum compares the differences between… Continue Reading →
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