Lee’s Summit, November 2, 2010 – Election Day and a very large turn out in Jackson County where Jacob Turk is taking on incumbent Emanuel Cleaver. A credible source reports that, There was a very heavy turnout today in… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, November 2, 2010 – Election Day is here and this morning here in Lee’s Summit as well as throughout the Country people are going to the polls to vote for their candidates. This is a right we take… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, October 30, 2010 – The Elections are this coming Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 and you may be wondering where can I get a sample ballot so I can look through it before I get there on Tuesday. For… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, October 29, 2010 – The next proposition on the November 2nd Ballot in Kansas City will include the following: PROPOSITION – A Topic Areas: State & Local Government / Tax & Revenue – State Summary: Shall Missouri law… Continue Reading →
Who will you vote for? Lee’s Summit, October 28, 2010 – On the heels of the Nevada’s “Food for Votes” claim in the Las Vegas Sun (October 26, 2010) we find that it’s not just in Nevada that someone is… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit – Voters will have a lot to decide besides candidates in the November 2 General Election. It features five statewide ballot issues. In addition, both Lee’s Summit and Kansas City have ballot questions specific to those who live… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, October 19, 2010 – The Turk campaign shows that even in a heavily democratic district like this, the voice of reason still holds the winning hand. Since 2008 I’ve been focused on the 5th Congressional District because I… Continue Reading →
Jacob Turk, Candidate for MO’s 5th Congressional District discusses issues with Michael and Robin Renaeu of Grandview. Lee’s Summit, September 30, 2010 – In this part of the interview we talked about the economy and what his priorities would be… Continue Reading →
Jacob Turk at Panera on Chipman discussing 5th District Issues with Jerry Johnson while Dave Murray listens. Lee’s Summit, September 30, 2010 – Great words I found in a most unusual place: We Believe… Representatives must… Listen to all, Lead… Continue Reading →
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