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Tag Obama

Wagner calls President’s speech long on “rhetoric” and short on “results”

Ballwin, January 24, 2012 – Ann Wagner, Republican candidate for Congress in Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District, commented on President Obama’s State of the Union address: “Speeches are nice – but unfortunately, as President and Commander in Chief, those words ring hollow… Continue Reading →

Fiscal Reality versus Political Need; The Truth about Obama’s Jobs Bill

LEE’S SUMMIT, October 26, 2011 – Last week every station carried Vice President Biden’s plea to pass the $35 Billion pared back jobs bill to put “teachers, firefighters and policemen back to work”.  Vice President Biden tried his best to… Continue Reading →

Student Loans; Starts Your Dependency

LEE’S SUMMIT, October 27, 2011 – In 1981 I graduated college with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and had outstanding loans of nearly eight thousand dollars.  During college I worked selling paneling, Sears fences, door-to-door fire detector sales,… Continue Reading →

If at first you don’t succeed…

LEE’S SUMMIT, October 24, 2011 – The old saying is, if you at first you don’t succeed, try and try again:  Understood within that saying is that you learn from your failure and then try something new.  Yet the more… Continue Reading →

Zogby Poll Shows Cain Beats Obama and Leads GOP

LEE’S SUMMIT, October 7, 2011 – The latest tracking Zogby poll shows Cain taking the lead among GOP candidates by 20 percentage points over nearest competitor Mitt Romney – who once again falls to 2nd place.  On a flat line… Continue Reading →

China Space Program Advances as US Wonders What’s Next

SHENZHEN CHINA, September 27, 2011 – The long march to space continues for China as it stalls in the United States.  In today’s Shenzhen Daily, as I read it at the airport, the headline reads: Tiangong-1 launch planned at 9:16… Continue Reading →

American Jobs Act, the Speech

LEE’S SUMMIT, September 9, 2011 – The President of the United States spoke for 34 minutes last night in front of a Joint Session of Congress, outlining his long awaited jobs plan.  The Whitehouse put out a bullet point of… Continue Reading →

The Palin Factor

LEE’S SUMMIT,  August 23, 2011 – It seems that everyone has an opinion as to whether Sarah Palin will or won’t run for the office of the President of the United States.  Personally I hope she runs, but that has… Continue Reading →

Tea Party on the Blogosphere

LEE’S SUMMIT, August 13, 2011 – I ran across an interesting blogger by the name of Tina Dupuy ( and the more I read her opinion the more I disagreed with her conclusions.  I think her style is refreshing in… Continue Reading →

Obama’s Economic Grade: F

The reason Obama is under such scrutiny by American’s is that he increased the National Debt by Three times he’s nearest Debt Culprit, and has shown that he’s not laser focused on the economy as he continues to claim.

Obama Administration Backpedals on Social Security Scare

LEE’S SUMMIT, July 14, 2011 – The Obama administration is trying hard to walk away from President Obama’s comments on CBS with Scott Pelley, where he said: Mr. Obama: I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd… Continue Reading →

Creator versus Consumer of Wealth

Philadelphia, June 30, 2011– Today my day started in Lee’s Summit at 3:15AM headed for a 6:15 flight out of MCI through Detroit to Philadelphia.  The reason for the trip was strictly business; but I was surprised about what I… Continue Reading →

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