This is for those interested in fiscally conservative views, not partisan bickering...

Tag Obama

The 2011 Budget: Government Shutdown Looms

Lee’s Summit, April 5, 2011– OK, will you explain something to me please?  Was the 2011 budget not the responsibility of Reid and Pelosi last year at this time?  Why are we still talking about it?  Oh, yeah: Because they… Continue Reading →

The Obama Doctrine – is there one?

Lee’s Summit, March 29, 2011 – The more I hear what the pundits have to say on television about the new Obama Doctrine, the more confused I get: Wolf Blitzer on CNN said “…the clearest form of what we can… Continue Reading →

Obama Addresses the Nation on Libya

Lee’s Summit, March 28, 2011 – President Obama addressed the nation tonight and discussed his logic for the current mission in Libya. If you did not see it, the text of the speech can be found at: Or you… Continue Reading →

A Conservative Message to the Republican Party

Lee’s Summit, November 4, 2010 – The mid term elections are over, and for the most part the country spoke with a united and conservative voice that said: Focus on the Economy! The Republican Party controls the House of Representatives… Continue Reading →

Emanuel Cleaver: Still Not Listening To His Constituents

Lee’s Summit, October 19, 2010 – The Turk campaign shows that even in a heavily democratic district like this, the voice of reason still holds the winning hand. Since 2008 I’ve been focused on the 5th Congressional District because I… Continue Reading →

Mr. President, the Devil’s in the Details

Lee’s Summit, September 6, 2010 – The Presidency of the United States of America requires the ability to deal with high stress and accuracy of details.  It seems  President Obama is having difficulty with both. A ten day long vacation,… Continue Reading →

Pelosi Mosque Mess, Too Dangerous for Politics

Lee’s Summit, August 20, 2010 – The mosque at ground zero is not protected under the first amendment to the constitution. Text of the First Amendment:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise… Continue Reading →

The Straw That Broke The Camel’s Back

Lee’s Summit, August 10, 2010 – The Wall Street Journal published an article on August 6th calles “An Argentinaville Stimulus?”  The August “rumor”, it claims, that a wire service put out a story that the Administration might lower Fannie Mae’s… Continue Reading →

Benevolent subjugation or Freedom: It is your choice.

Lee’s Summit, July 28, 2010 – The primaries are upon us.  Candidates all over Missouri have been doing their best to get their message across.  Some use radio advertising.  Others use television spots.  Most simply go door to door and… Continue Reading →

Washington Meddling too Much into Private Business

Lee’s Summit, July 17, 2010 – I can now breath a great sigh of relief, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has addressed the looming crisis of the iPhone 4.  I am truly far more relaxed than ever to know that our elected… Continue Reading →

Guest Column: Proposition C: A “Yes” Vote Rejects Obamacare in Missouri

Lee’s Summit, July 6, 2010 – An important vote will be on the ballot on August 3 – a state referendum on Obamacare called Proposition C.   While many states have passed legislation against Obamacare, Missouri is the first state to… Continue Reading →

Financial Reform: A Power Grab, yes, a Fix – no way!

Lee’s Summit, June 30, 2010 – I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on, on the content of the Financial Reform act that just passed the test vote today.  I spent my time looking for what regulations and… Continue Reading →

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