Lee’s Summit, April 5, 2011– OK, will you explain something to me please? Was the 2011 budget not the responsibility of Reid and Pelosi last year at this time? Why are we still talking about it? Oh, yeah: Because they… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, November 4, 2010 – The mid term elections are over, and for the most part the country spoke with a united and conservative voice that said: Focus on the Economy! The Republican Party controls the House of Representatives… Continue Reading →
Who will you vote for? Lee’s Summit, October 28, 2010 – On the heels of the Nevada’s “Food for Votes” claim in the Las Vegas Sun (October 26, 2010) we find that it’s not just in Nevada that someone is… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, October 19, 2010 – The Turk campaign shows that even in a heavily democratic district like this, the voice of reason still holds the winning hand. Since 2008 I’ve been focused on the 5th Congressional District because I… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit –During the Special Session of the General Assembly, Representative Will Kraus has filed a resolution, HCR1, against the job-killing cap and trade legislation being discussed in Washington, D.C. A mandatory cap and trade emissions trading system would set… Continue Reading →
Today, Minnesota takes the headlines. Hard to imagine back in 2000 as things heated up between Bush and Gore that 8 years later we would be facing the same issues of recount, and questionable ballots. Government moves slow, but this… Continue Reading →
It seems like a very simple question, doesn’t it? Well, I’ve been wrestiling with the best way for me to explain why I feel the US Automakers are: First, taking a bad rap for the value perception of their cars,… Continue Reading →
The G20 came and went without any solutions worth discussing, just like back in 1933. Perhaps that’s not a bad thing at all. Now we have to deal with yet another political push for doing the right thing; Bail Out… Continue Reading →
A challenge to any and all who visit this BLOG, how informed are you? Answer these questions for yourself and then go here to get your answers. Which political party controls congress? Do you know who Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi,… Continue Reading →
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