This is for those interested in fiscally conservative views, not partisan bickering...

Tag Republican

Jimmy Kimmel Debate Spoof; funny or sad?

LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 24, 2012 – Comedian Jimmy Kimmel posed the following hypothesis: People pre-determine who the winner of a debate is then find affirmation during the debate.  To prove his point he did two sets of interviews: First: Hours… Continue Reading →

The true difference between Obama and Romney

LEE’S SUMMIT, SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 –  It is an interesting article in CNN Opinion today (click here for the full article) written by David Frum, a contributing editor for News Week, and The Daily Beast. Frum compares the differences between… Continue Reading →

A Rant On and For Voter Preparation

LEE’S SUMMIT, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 – HOMEWORK: read this article by Annie Walker-Leonard (@anne_tx) of Define – Don’t Defend – Now please read my opinion. I am honestly stunned by her article.  The prose is interesting, the content appears… Continue Reading →

Lager Supports Amendment 2 Protecting Missourians’ Religious Liberties and Right to Pray

SAVANNAH, MO; JULY 25, 2012—Today Brad Lager, Republican candidate for Lt. Governor, announced his support for Amendment 2, which will appear on the August 7th primary ballot.  Amendment 2 would bolster the following protections in Missouri’s Constitution and ensure: That… Continue Reading →

Jackson County Caucus

On Saturday, March 24, Jackson County will hold a caucus to select delegates for the congressional and state Republican Party conventions. Since this process is new to Missouri, I have had several requests to explain the process and give voters… Continue Reading →

Electability of GOP Candidates

LEE’S SUMMIT,  November 16, 2011 – The most common comment I hear from a friend of mine (CFO at the company I work for) is that “…they [whomever I’m speaking about] are not electable…” and today I read a great… Continue Reading →

Romney, Cain Strong Showing at Republican Debate

LEE’S SUMMIT, October 11, 2011 – Mitt Romney and Herman Cain had a strong showing in tonight’s Bloomberg /Washington Post debate held in New Hampshire.  Romney’s polished speaking style and economy based questions gave him a good forum to show… Continue Reading →

A Conservative Message to the Republican Party

Lee’s Summit, November 4, 2010 – The mid term elections are over, and for the most part the country spoke with a united and conservative voice that said: Focus on the Economy! The Republican Party controls the House of Representatives… Continue Reading →

The Games of Politics

Lee’s Summit, August 1, 2010 – Today I returned home from a five day trip and in my mailbox is a flier from Missourians Against Unfair Taxes.  The front of the flier is a rhino and in large letters the… Continue Reading →

Pressure, Stress, Jobless Recovery and the Missouri Manufacturing Jobs Act

Lee’s Summit, June 20, 2010 – This morning after ten days away from home I started to catch up by reading the Sunday paper.  A week in Florida has me very aware of the plight of the stresses felt by… Continue Reading →

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