Dear Editor: I feel that Will Kraus is the only candidate running for the Eighth District Senate seat that will truly represent the citizens and listen to our concerns. Please keep reading and I will explain my opinion. I taught… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit July 29, 2010 – Recently, someone tried to smear Will Kraus in a survey taken by phone. One of the questions asked was, “Would it affect your vote if you knew that Will Kraus was not a supporter… Continue Reading →
Lee’s Summit, July 28, 2010 – The primaries are upon us. Candidates all over Missouri have been doing their best to get their message across. Some use radio advertising. Others use television spots. Most simply go door to door and… Continue Reading →
April 30, 2010 – Shanghai China – The time to sit idly by is truly over. We The People of these United States need to let our government know; peacefully, honorably, and respectfully that we do not wish to have… Continue Reading →
The root cause of the problem is ignored (as is typical in Government) and the wall paper is being applied. The fundamental problems with health care have not been addressed by Chairman Max Baucus of the Senate Finance Committee. Senator… Continue Reading →
The Blogosphere continues to buzz about how Congress is being held hostage by a few Republicans. To those out there who need a refresher course, the Democratic Party controls the Presidency, the House of Representatives and the Senate by vast… Continue Reading →
Where do all these Czars come from and what do they do? Gil Kerlikowske – Drug CzarYet to Be Named – Cyber-Security CzarKenneth Feinberg is the Pay Czar,Nancy-Ann De Parle – Health Reform Czar,Alan Bersin – Border CzarCass Sunstein –… Continue Reading →
It was a time for hope, it was a time for joy, it was a time for rejuvenation, and it was a time for community building. The problem is that on January 20, 2009 we put into office all the… Continue Reading →
Every vote must be counted. It reminds me of an old saying, that beatings will continue until morale improves. Can it be that it has changed to the recounts will continue till the right someone wins? I hope not, I… Continue Reading →
It seems like a very simple question, doesn’t it? Well, I’ve been wrestiling with the best way for me to explain why I feel the US Automakers are: First, taking a bad rap for the value perception of their cars,… Continue Reading →
There’s been a good start, with Congressmen Roy Blunt and Adam Putman’s resignations from their leadership position in the Republican Party. If conservatives are not going to hold themselves accountable, then they are not conservatives. The failures since the 2006… Continue Reading →
Between now and 2010 the leadership of the Conservative movement is going to have to define what the Conservative movement is all about. This is a very difficult task, one that the GOP could not do for many years leading… Continue Reading →
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