This is for those interested in fiscally conservative views, not partisan bickering...

Tag taxes

Where’s Claire McCaskill on Obama’s Proposed Tax Hikes?

Rolla, MO – The Bush tax cuts are set to expire at the end of this year and a failure to extend them will result in a massive tax increase. President Obama has proposed extending the tax cuts only for… Continue Reading →

School Levy Failure a Clear Signal: No More Taxes

Lee’s Summit, February 12, 2011 – The voters of Lee’s Summit evaluated the proposed tax levy (from $6.05 per $100 in assessed valuation, up to $6.94 a 14.7% increase) and of the over 15,000 who voted on the special election,… Continue Reading →

Tax Credit Reform Legislation

Lee’s Summit, February 10, 2011 – As the General Assembly looks for ways to cover as much as a $500 million shortfall for this budget year, we are forced to look in every nook and cranny for savings.  From my… Continue Reading →

The Taxman Cometh and Congress is Not Representing us. Sound familiar?

Lee’s Summit, July 2, 2010 – The end of the Bush tax cuts is coming and taxes are about to go through the roof sucking the wind out of the sails of any rebound we’re getting from the recession. Business… Continue Reading →

Cleavers Spending Stopped Only by Senate Action

Lee’s Summit, June 29, 2010 – Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO 5th), continues to vote for spending of taxpayer’s money.  Our Representative has continuously voted “yes” for H.R. 4213 the so called “American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010” that… Continue Reading →

Small versus Large Government, Jacob Turk vs. Emanuel Cleaver

Lee’s Summit, June 13, 2010 – The comparison is rather stark.  The real choice you are making, as you vote for Missouri’s 5th Congressional District, is between keeping the money in the private sector where it will be invested to… Continue Reading →

Here a bailout, there a bailout, everywhere a bailout…

I finally arrived in Guanlan Shenzhen and after many small issues got to the room, turned on the TV to CNN International and had the biggest laugh I’ve had since this Bailout idea came out. Hustler’s Larry Flint and Girls… Continue Reading →

Good News!!! We’re in Major Economic Crisis. (Does that statement make sense to you?)

I am amazed at the article I just read on the Washington Wire. Do you know what an oxymoron is? The fastest way to tell you, if you can’t quickly pull it to mind is with the old jokes “Marketing… Continue Reading →

The 11th hour; this is when it counts. Vote!

First let me start by saying that tomorrow morning, whether you are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Independent, the one responsibility you have is to go out and vote. If you don’t know where to vote, go to and follow… Continue Reading →

Letter from Emanuel Cleaver, II; Member of Congress

As I have done with the letters from Kit Bond, and Claire McCaskill I’m going to post the response from Representative Emanuel Cleaver, II regarding the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. The first part of this BLOG will be… Continue Reading →

The Real Issues of This Election

As I look at this election, it tends to boil down to a few critical questions and I’m not finding clear answers on any or all of them. The election is only a few days away and we should focus,… Continue Reading →

The story of the boy who cried wolf too often…

Do you remember the old children’s story? Fundamentally, if you’ve never had the story told to you, it is the story of a boy who was guarding sheep and got bored so he cried wolf. All the people of the… Continue Reading →

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