DECEMBER 21, 2012 – As we approach Christmas Day, we are all busy with personal and business tasks. Decorations to put up, presents to buy, and schedules to arrange all make Christmas a time when motion, rather than emotion, takes… Continue Reading →
JEFFERSON CITY, NOVEMBER 29, 2012 – State Sen. Will Kraus, R-Lee’s Summit, will meet with local elected leaders in an effort to find issues each community would like to see addressed during the 2013 session in the General Assembly. In… Continue Reading →
Jefferson City – The Senate Blue Ribbon Panel on Immigration, vice-chaired by Sen. Will Kraus, R-Lee’s Summit, will hold its second meeting to hear public testimony in Kansas City on Friday, Nov. 30, to study the topic of immigration in… Continue Reading →
Millions of Missouri families will celebrate Thanksgiving by gathering together, sharing love and laughter, telling stories and rehashing memories. As we sit down to eat, we will say a prayer of thanks to Almighty God for all He has given… Continue Reading →
From Missouri State Senator Will Kraus, October 29, 2012: In addition to your vote for president, governor, and other statewide and local races this Nov. 6, you will be asked to vote on four statewide ballot measures. Two (Constitutional Amendment… Continue Reading →
JEFFERSON CITY, OCTOBER 11, 2012 – During the interim, when we are not in session in Jefferson City, my staff and I get a chance to focus our attention on issues within the district and prepare for the next legislative… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 22, 2012 – First, I want to welcome all the teachers and students back to school. I hope everyone had a great summer and enjoyed their time off. Second, I would like for everyone to know what… Continue Reading →
On Aug. 7, the first Tuesday after the first Monday in August this year, Missouri will hold its primary elections for federal, statewide, and state legislative races. In addition, there will be one statewide ballot proposal. For those of you… Continue Reading →
JEFFERSON CITY — Today (6-14), the governor signed legislation ushered through the Senate by Sen. Will Kraus, R-Lee’s Summit. House Bill 1549 passed the General Assembly as an effort to protect citizens’ privacy and eliminate unwanted cell phone communication. “House… Continue Reading →
JEFFERSON CITY, March 30, 2012 — This week, three measures sponsored by Sen. Will Kraus, R-Lee’s Summit, passed out of the Senate and were sent to the House for its consideration. “It has been a week of movement in the… Continue Reading →
LEE’S SUMMIT, MARCH 27, 2012 – Last Saturday I spent 6 hours at the GOP Caucus in Lee’s Summit and to be honest I was disappointed at the entire event. I’ve not blogged about it because I wanted to have… Continue Reading →
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