LEE’S SUMMIT, OCTOBER 27, 2012 – In 10 days we will be voting for the candidates that best fit our own ideology – what we each think is best for the country, for our state, our district and our community.  We vote for people who will represent us:  Individuals who will work hard during their term in office to make things better for all of us.  We work at least forty hours per week, we focus on our jobs and our families; we expect the same from our elected officials.

Representatives in the House meet on the average 130 days per session and there are at least two sessions per year of the two year term.  Emanuel Cleaver, in the last session, had at least 520 days to represent Missouri’s 5th District – but he is only visibly active for about 18 days to secure his next election.

Cleaver’s attention to the district he represents is not as important to him as his position as a senior representative in Congress doing the bidding of Obama, the Democratic Party, and representing the Congressional Black Caucus:  What about jobs in Missouri?

Typically his newsletters promote President Obama’s agenda, the priorities of the Democratic party, and the needs of the Congressional Black Caucus.

  • August 3, 2012 a typical newsletter:
    • Calling all seniors for important opportunity (a tele-townhall)
    • It is not time to go home (House of Reps should stay in session)
    • July Job Numbers
    • Congressional Boot Camp a big hit
    • Mobil Office (Where his office people move from neighborhood to neighborhood)
    • Civility Corner (On one hand he preaches civility, but speak “March On” at the convention)

In the same last two years Jacob Turk has fought for Missouri and against gerrymandering of Congressional Districts.  He held countless Small Business Roundtables throughout the 5th District and neighboring cities to understand what businessmen face in today’s economy.  He attends candidate forums to ensure people know his conviction and how he’ll vote.

Jacob Turk speaking at a Small Business Round Table

Jacob Turk exchanging ideas at a Small Business Round Table

Turk has mounted a strong campaign not simply out of desire to achieve office; but because he knows MO-5 is not being represented.  He knows that 3% of a Congressman’s time is not enough to ensure his district grows in a self-sustaining manner.


All handouts, regardless of intent and the desire of the benefactor, always end.  Kennedy put it best in the old speech:

“Give a man a fish, feed him for a day…”

Picture of Emanuel Cleaver speaking at the Raytown Fire DepartmentOn October 19th Emanuel Cleaver posted his latest EC from DC newsletter.  In it he talks about Minister Bobbie Tate, mother of a woman who was trapped in a home and the Raytown firefighters valiantly rushed into the burning home to rescue her.  Emanuel Cleaver said “I was honored to be able to help secure funds for a SAFER grant (Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response).  This grant provided money to keep the fire station fully staffed.

“…Teach him to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Yet, if Cleaver worked harder to bring jobs to Raytown, the tax collections would be enough to support it; not for one year – but for years to come. This would allow the brave firefighters to do their job better, to plan their improvements, to improve their training and emergency equipment.  Grants come and grants go; but the peril of fire stays with us 24 x 7 and no one knows it better than a firefighter.


Picture of Cleaver visits Ford ClaycomoCountless hours were spent, in the Missouri Assembly, debating the necessary incentives without putting the state at financial risk.  State Congressman and Senators worked late into the session and into a special session to make it work.

Cleaver said “This week I toured the plant to stay updated on the retooling of a production line for the Ford Transit. The plant will continue production on the Ford F-150, as well.” He implied that he had something to do with the work of the Missouri Assembly – Don’t be fooled for a minute!  Ask your congressman, ask your senator – they’ll tell you what it took to get the plant to stay, and the plant to grow: It was not by the help of Emanuel Cleaver who was M.I.A. during the whole ruckus debate.


Another Grant “This week I met with Ray County Commissioners Mike Twyman, Allen Dale, and Bob King, and toured the Keeney Creek Project near Orrick. Through a Missouri Disaster Recovery Jobs Program grant that was awarded last year, the county and the Full Employment Council have been able to put local people back to work.”  Cleaver only knows how to get money from tax-payers and re-distribute it: He reminds me of the tax collectors of biblical times.  He takes the taxes, and the credit for temporarily helping those who are in need.


Picture of Cleaver speaking in the NorthlandIf you ever wondered where Cleaver has been doing the myriad of candidate forums held throughout the 5th District, Cleaver’s EC from DC gives us a clue: He’s in the Northland making speeches about improving neighborhoods environment – notice he’s not talking about jobs, job creation, or what gets in the way of job creators.

Jacob Turk has spent 720 days out of the last two years working for Missouri’s 5th District.  Talking to everyone about his tax plan to help businesses grow, and entrepreneurs create jobs.  Turk understands the detrimental and inhibiting effect of regulations.

Turk wants to bring jobs and growth to help improve the self-sustaining economy of MO-5.  Jacob Turk knows that jobs, and the sense of self-worth and an improved self-image comes from being productive in life.  He knows that neighborhoods improve when people work and earn a good living; but they decay without them. 

Who do you want as your Representative in Washington?

Do you want someone who gives you 3% of his time (the time it takes to remind you to vote for him) or someone who’ll give you 120% of his time working to bring jobs and improve the economy of Missouri’s 5th District?

That is the choice you’ll make on November 6th 2012 with your vote: MAKE IT COUNT!  Tell Washington we don’t want their handouts, we want JOBS!

No Jobs No Plan No Cleaver

Respectfully Submitted
The Lee’s Summit Conservative