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Category National Debt

Issues pertaining to the National Debt

The Selection of a President: Look for the Nature of their Fiscal Policy

LEE’S SUMMIT, FEBRUARY 13, 2016 – This is the third in a four-part series that revisits an article I wrote in 2008, the first week of this blog. I put down my thoughts on how I was going to select… Continue Reading →

Fiscal Reality versus Political Need; The Truth about Obama’s Jobs Bill

LEE’S SUMMIT, October 26, 2011 – Last week every station carried Vice President Biden’s plea to pass the $35 Billion pared back jobs bill to put “teachers, firefighters and policemen back to work”.  Vice President Biden tried his best to… Continue Reading →

The United States, for the first time in history, lacks leadership.

LEE’S SUMMIT, August 8, 2011 – In the middle of the Free Fall on Wall Street, the President of the United States gave a speech that spread blame, put off leadership to committees, and offered nothing new for investors to… Continue Reading →

Standards & Poor Downgrades US Debt to AA+

LEE’S SUMMIT, August 6, 2011 – Last night the dreaded de-rating of the United States Debt took place; Standards and Poor saw it fit to reduce the valuation of the US Debt and to put a fine point on it,… Continue Reading →

Rating Agencies: Conflict of Interest

LEE’S SUMMIT, July 26, 2011 – The Investment Rating Companies like Standards & Poor and Moody’s need to stay out of the political fray and keep their comments regarding the debt ceiling debate to themselves.  S&P walked away from a… Continue Reading →

Obama’s Economic Grade: F

The reason Obama is under such scrutiny by American’s is that he increased the National Debt by Three times he’s nearest Debt Culprit, and has shown that he’s not laser focused on the economy as he continues to claim.

Obama Administration Backpedals on Social Security Scare

LEE’S SUMMIT, July 14, 2011 – The Obama administration is trying hard to walk away from President Obama’s comments on CBS with Scott Pelley, where he said: Mr. Obama: I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd… Continue Reading →

Washington; What a Town…

Lee’s Summit, July 7, 2011 – I just arrived from a long day’s work (just after 11:00 PM) and read a story that truly made me wonder why I don’t blog more often.  The issues that set me to the… Continue Reading →

Creator versus Consumer of Wealth

Philadelphia, June 30, 2011– Today my day started in Lee’s Summit at 3:15AM headed for a 6:15 flight out of MCI through Detroit to Philadelphia.  The reason for the trip was strictly business; but I was surprised about what I… Continue Reading →

The 2011 Budget: Government Shutdown Looms

Lee’s Summit, April 5, 2011– OK, will you explain something to me please?  Was the 2011 budget not the responsibility of Reid and Pelosi last year at this time?  Why are we still talking about it?  Oh, yeah: Because they… Continue Reading →

Will the government shut down on April 9: If so, then what?

Lee’s Summit, March 30, 2011 – This year we may finally be getting the attention of Congress and start the country on the right path.  In November American’s voted overwhelmingly for expense reduction by Washington.  Dozens upon dozens of new… Continue Reading →

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