Pleasant Hill, July 31, 2020 – I ask myself: “what does it matter?” I watch television news; I listen to the news in my car. I do bounce from CNN to MSNBC and then back to Fox News. I get… Continue Reading →
PLEASANT HILL, APRIL 10, 2020 – The key question for all of us in Missouri is: What are the chances I’m going to get COVID-19. Many simple projections are wrong. At work this week I was involved in a conversation… Continue Reading →
Pleasant Hill, April 6, 2020 – Like most of us who spend a lot more time in front of the television, yesterday afternoon I watched as President Donald Trump stated that he had seen gas prices as low as $0.91… Continue Reading →
PLEASANT HILL, JANUARY 3, 2019 – The reason I did not vote for George Bush in the 1992 election was very simple. During the 1988 campaign he made it clear, “Read my lips. No new taxes.” President George Herbert Walker… Continue Reading →
PLEASANT HILL,NOVEMBER 2, 2018 – It seems that the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States answers the question clearly as to who is and who is not considered a “birth” Citizen. The Historical perspective is important. This is the… Continue Reading →
PLEASANT HILL, OCTOBER 20, 2018 – In Blue Springs newspaper The Examiner, candidate Cleaver expressed, “concerns about the increasing cost of living in the district. He called a lack of affordable housing ‘a major crisis,’ contending that the minimum price… Continue Reading →
PLEASANT HILL, OCTOBER 15, 2018 – The November 6th, 2018 ballot will have several amendments for the voters to consider. Here is the wording and an opinion on the Amendment. Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to: Change process and… Continue Reading →
PLEASANT HILL, SEPTEMBER 8, 2018 – The NFL awoke to another ugly, yet predictable surprise. Ratings for the September 7th opening game for the 2018-2019 NFL season fell sharply for the second year in a row. The headline today is… Continue Reading →
PLEASANT HILL, AUGUST 1, 2018 – The grand experiment by the Province of Ontario has come to an end. The conclusion: giving free money to people is too expensive. It is understandable. People with good hearts, well intentioned morals, and… Continue Reading →
PLEASANT HILL, JULY 4, 2018 – The celebrations on the Fourth of July are far more than the bar-b-que’s and the fireworks, and the family gathering. We celebrate the events leading up to July 4, 1776 through the signing of… Continue Reading →
PLEASANT HILL, JUNE 20, 2018 – Yesterday, the Washington Post ran an opinion piece headlined by “Trump’s ‘zero-tolerance’ border policy is immoral, un-American — and ineffective” and I fundamentally disagree with the headline. A family, in any country, has the… Continue Reading →
PLEASANT HILL, MAY 29, 2018 – Two event reported today show how thin the veneer of “The Will of the People” truly is in the supposed democracies of this world. It is not an issue reserved for major countries, it… Continue Reading →
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