Pleasant Hill, April 5, 2020 – Today as I look at the data for the 28th day I see what appears to be a flattening. However, I’m not sure if this is due to it being Sunday and fewer reports have made it in, or if it is really an improvement.
Let’s start by looking at the State as a whole.

The Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services site has us at 2,367 confirmed cases. Our deepest condolences and prayers continue to go to the 34 families who have lost someone to this virus.
In looking at the spread of the virus by day, throughout the state, I have to add Nodaway County in the northwest corner of the state on the Iowa border.

Number of death within the county also listed
Two areas are of interest. The Saint Louis area because the virus first appeared in St. Louis County, and the area has the most confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Data as of: 4/5/2020
The most interesting part of this graph is that the rate of rise (Change from the day before) has flattened out, and in the last two days (Saturday and Sunday) they seem to have dropped. It’ll be interesting to see if on Monday they stay low, or they go up again.

The Kansas City metro area, on the Missouri side, also seems to be flattening out, and possibly slowing. This trend started back on 3/25 when the numbers hit 61 new confirmed cases. In the following 11 days the average has been 33 new cases, with peaks at 55 on March 31, 47 on April 2, and 51 on April 4. The most recent number of confirmed cases grew by only 12. Again, it will be interesting to see what Monday brings. Not sure if the reporting frequency is the same over the weekend or not.
The numbers seem to suggest that the hot spot of St. Louis is flattening out, and may actually be starting to drop.
If you find this helpful, share it so that others may see where we are in our fight against the spread of COVID-19. You can see the raw data at the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services website.
Stay safe, stay healthy and most of all stay positive.
Respectfully Submitted
The Lee’s Summit Conservative