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Tag Trump

Trump Impeachment: Day 1,108

The conversation about impeachment of Donald J Trump while he was still a candidate, and President Elect: 2016-10-18:  By Tana Ganeva – Republican John Kasich comes out in favor of Trump’s impeachment “…Ohio Governor John Kasich came out in favor… Continue Reading →

Counter Opinion: Trump’s zero-tolerance border policy is moral and least harmful

PLEASANT HILL, JUNE 20, 2018 – Yesterday, the Washington Post ran an opinion piece headlined by “Trump’s ‘zero-tolerance’ border policy is immoral, un-American — and ineffective” and I fundamentally disagree with the headline. A family, in any country, has the… Continue Reading →

Trump in a 1999 Meet the Press Interview: Do you want to deal with NK now, or later?


LEE’S SUMMIT, JULY 17, 2017 – To address this issue about Donald Trump, the Trump Campaign, or Donald Trump Junior’s collusion or better said conspiracy with Russia, I first searched Wikipedia and found these links: Proving a negative or negative… Continue Reading →


LEE’S SUMMIT, JULY 13, 2017 – In almost 7 months of the presidency of Donald J. Trump the most common word in a headline has to be: Russia.  I say this because when I do a Google search using TRUMP… Continue Reading →

It was Manufacturing: Stupid.

LEE’S SUMMIT, NOVEMBER 13, 2016 – To paraphrase William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton: It’s the economy, stupid.  In 1980 Ronald Reagan was elected president; he turned around the economy from the devastation of the Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter cycle of presidencies. … Continue Reading →

Media A Bit Thin Skinned

LEE’S SUMMIT, NOVEMBER 11, 2016 – The main stream media, the same one that was found in the Panetta e-mails to be in collusion with the HRC campaign and the DNC, now continue to attack Trump. USA Today: Trump calls… Continue Reading →

The Morning After

Trump Apology for 2005 Remarks

TRUMP: Child Care Proposal 9/13/2016

Summit: Peña Nieto Invites Trump to Meeting

The Onslaught Continues, facts are so inconvenient

LEE’S SUMMIT, AUGUST 11, 2016 – I’m constantly amazed at how little I’ve come to trust the media.  It is getting to the point, perhaps in the not too distant future, where we only trust the weather guy and the… Continue Reading →

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