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Creator versus Consumer of Wealth

Philadelphia, June 30, 2011– Today my day started in Lee’s Summit at 3:15AM headed for a 6:15 flight out of MCI through Detroit to Philadelphia.  The reason for the trip was strictly business; but I was surprised about what I… Continue Reading →

Will the government shut down on April 9: If so, then what?

Lee’s Summit, March 30, 2011 – This year we may finally be getting the attention of Congress and start the country on the right path.  In November American’s voted overwhelmingly for expense reduction by Washington.  Dozens upon dozens of new… Continue Reading →

Debt is a Cancer,

April 25, 2010, Somewhere between Chicago and Shanghai – I struck up a conversation with the bursar on American’s Airline’s flight; she bristled at a Glenn Beck comment I made yet she was very knowledgeable on the history of civil… Continue Reading →

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