This is for those interested in fiscally conservative views, not partisan bickering...

Tag Leadership

The United States, for the first time in history, lacks leadership.

LEE’S SUMMIT, August 8, 2011 – In the middle of the Free Fall on Wall Street, the President of the United States gave a speech that spread blame, put off leadership to committees, and offered nothing new for investors to… Continue Reading →

Creator versus Consumer of Wealth

Philadelphia, June 30, 2011– Today my day started in Lee’s Summit at 3:15AM headed for a 6:15 flight out of MCI through Detroit to Philadelphia.  The reason for the trip was strictly business; but I was surprised about what I… Continue Reading →

A Tale of Two Stories (Human and Political)

Tuesday, January 20 2009 is a date that will be remembered as a truly historical date in the United States and by reference the rest of the world. Barack Husain Obama received the oath of office for President of the… Continue Reading →

GOP Leadership Fight Will Soon Reach A Crescendo

The GOP is about to select the leadership that will take us into the 2010 election cycle and the big question in my mind is this: Do they know what they are doing? Senate:Minority Leader: Mitch McConnel (R-KY)Minority Whip: John… Continue Reading →

Time for a change in GOP Leadership

There’s been a good start, with Congressmen Roy Blunt and Adam Putman’s resignations from their leadership position in the Republican Party. If conservatives are not going to hold themselves accountable, then they are not conservatives. The failures since the 2006… Continue Reading →

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