Lee's Summit Conservative

This is for those interested in fiscally conservative views, not partisan bickering...

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Privatizing Space Flight

History is being made on the final frontier. Space tourism is becoming a reality, competitors are preparing their lunar rovers, and private companies are expanding into space. People have paid $30 million to get a ride into space. That changes… Continue Reading →

Town Hall Meetings – Guest Column by Will Kraus

This week, several state representatives, municipal leaders, and myself hosted two town meetings in the district.  As always, it was great to hear from people from District 8 on issues that are important to you. Lee’s Summit On Monday evening,… Continue Reading →

Rating Agencies: Conflict of Interest

LEE’S SUMMIT, July 26, 2011 – The Investment Rating Companies like Standards & Poor and Moody’s need to stay out of the political fray and keep their comments regarding the debt ceiling debate to themselves.  S&P walked away from a… Continue Reading →

Missouri House and Senate Members Host Town Hall Meetings

JEFFERSON CITY — During the week of July 25, Sen. Will Kraus, R-Lee’s Summit, will be hosting two town hall meetings in Lee’s Summit and Blue Springs.  State Reps. Jeff Grisamore, Mike Cierpiot, and Gary Cross will also be available… Continue Reading →

What do you think about Lee’s Summit?

The City of Lee’s Summit has partnered with North Star Destination Strategies to develop a community “Brand” for marketing the community to visitors, residents and businesses. Toward this end, North Star developed a customized Lee’s Summit Community Survey.  The questionnaire… Continue Reading →

Obama’s Economic Grade: F

The reason Obama is under such scrutiny by American’s is that he increased the National Debt by Three times he’s nearest Debt Culprit, and has shown that he’s not laser focused on the economy as he continues to claim.

Obama Administration Backpedals on Social Security Scare

LEE’S SUMMIT, July 14, 2011 – The Obama administration is trying hard to walk away from President Obama’s comments on CBS with Scott Pelley, where he said: Mr. Obama: I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd… Continue Reading →

The battle between Microsoft and Apple

LEE’S SUMMIT, July 11, 2011 – Microsoft’s Kinect is the latest example of why Microsoft has the right approach and Apple will continue to make giant leaps, and yet still be behind. A few years ago my son purchased an… Continue Reading →

Senator Will Kraus Elected Vice Chair of Key Military Commission

JEFFERSON CITY –State Sen. Will Kraus, R-Lee’s Summit, was unanimously elected vice chair of the Missouri Military Preparedness and Enhancement Commission (MMPEC) at its meeting on June 27, 2011. “I am honored to have been elected as vice chair of… Continue Reading →

Farewell to the Space Shuttle Program

Lee’s Summit, July 10, 2011– STS-135 roared off Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Pad 39A, for the last flight of the Space Shuttle this week.  I remember the first fight of Columbia on April 12, 1981.  I was working at Essex… Continue Reading →

Washington; What a Town…

Lee’s Summit, July 7, 2011 – I just arrived from a long day’s work (just after 11:00 PM) and read a story that truly made me wonder why I don’t blog more often.  The issues that set me to the… Continue Reading →

Creator versus Consumer of Wealth

Philadelphia, June 30, 2011– Today my day started in Lee’s Summit at 3:15AM headed for a 6:15 flight out of MCI through Detroit to Philadelphia.  The reason for the trip was strictly business; but I was surprised about what I… Continue Reading →

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